Chapter One Assignement 1. To become a well-qualified, decently paid video editor is my goal. The Houston, Texas area is always in need of a good video editor. I hope I would have several positive job leads before completion of this learning process. I would like to be qualified enough to be able to pick from prospective employers. I might wind up being a traveling editor for the IATSE. Education/Training (medical, industrial, public) and Entertainment would be my chosen general areas to work in. I like the idea of having several interesting options. 2. Three ideas for movies A. - Ultra Future. Humankind has reached development level 4 such that time and space are easily manipulated so that travel to any point can be instantaneous. Stars are mere batteries that we refesh or replace. A quest will be called for and completed. During the quest, we see what Humankind has become, minus the many fears and resulting superstitions and other beliefs that cripple us now. B. - Dr. Jason Dane, ostracized research physicist, is near the brink when he suddenly discovers that he's exactly where he needs to be; the high tension power lines behind his house cause a natural weakness in dimensional divides. He gets the girl, saves the day. C. - Medical Photography and TV. Follow our young video specialist as he video documents surgeries, blood donation drives, monument/art dedications, employeed dinners, etc. Drama. People get close and distant.